All posts tagged: eating clean

Going Whole30 for the next 30 days

Time to get really healthy as we move towards the end of the year, and shedding a few pounds while at it wouldn’t disappoint! I started the Whole30 Program last Friday, which in a nutshell means following a gluten-free, sugar-free, alcohol-free diet.  The good news is that you eat beef, fish, chicken, vegetables, fruits, and nuts.  So after the first two days I can say I am already starting to feel the “fog” disappear, the bloat begin to subside, and lost 5.4 pounds – yes that is correct!  Actually you are told “you are not allowed to weigh yourself for 30 days,” but I needed to weigh this morning to ensure the needle was going down and not up in pounds.  No more peeking till Day 30 for me.  You don’t count calories, carbs, or points; you don’t have to measure your food and you just choose really wise choices. This program was created by Dallas and Melissa Hartwig in 2009, who also founded their business Whole9 the same year.  According to their website they have nearly 1 million visitors …