All posts filed under: Sandwiches

High Tea for the Holidays

  If you have never hosted a high tea before, now is the time to jump in with both feet and host one for your friends to help celebrate the upcoming holidays.  I try to have a holiday luncheon for my girl friends each year, where we reminisce about all the good times and memories we are grateful for.  It also gives us the opportunity to spend a minute or two on throwing away any of the negative vibes, and ensure they don’t roll over into the new year.  My luncheon menu varies from year to year and

Comfort Food: Sauteed mushrooms in vermouth over crusty french bread toast

I needed some comfort food on Monday night but was not in the mood to get too involved in cooking anything that took longer than … what, a few TV commercials?  I fell back on my reliable go-to instant comfort food, Mushrooms on Toast.  This is a pretty simple recipe, but still works its magic when needed.   I try to mix up the variety of mushrooms in the recipe and I happened to have left over shiitake, button and baby bellos used in a mushroom tart on the weekend, so they became the mushrooms of choice. If I were being ambitious I would serve this with a small green salad and Green Goddess Dressing.

Green Goddess sandwich with bacon

Green Goddess Sandwich

Last day for eating sandwiches, as I leave behind bread for the next few months.  I love bacon and avocado sandwiches and I love Green Goddess dressing – so put them altogether and I am in pig heaven (no pun intended towards the bacon, really).  Goodbye bread, hello low carb.  Will miss this sandwich but all is not lost as I can still enjoy all of the other ingredients on my new food plan (notice I didn’t say “diet” –  am trying to avoid negativity, and diets always remind me of deprivation – Ha!)

Grilled Cheese Sandwich – 31 Ways to Make ‘Em!

You are likely thinking, grilled cheese sandwich? Really?  Like I don’t know how to make one?  Sure you do, but do you know 31 different ways?  I didn’t until now.  The picture above is my grilled cheese sandwich and the makings of it are below.  But before you get to that you need to see a sampling of the 30 other ways that I found this weekend at the Grilled Cheese Academy (imagine being able to say you graduated from the Grilled Cheese Academy!)  Their sandwiches look amazing, so am posting some of their photos that I personally find mouth-watering.  Then you can go look at their site and see the rest of them and get their recipes.   Here you go….

Party Sandwich Loaf

  There’s an Irish saying that dates back to  the 16th century that goes… “April showers bring May flowers”.  It also brings thoughts of other showers, as in bridal and baby showers. The first question when planning a shower is, what to serve? If you have a couple of hours (yes this takes a little bit of time) and want to offer your guests a really great lunch, that is both light and easy to handle (since you might be balancing your plate on your lap as we often do at these functions), then try serving a Sandwich Loaf the next time it is your turn to host the shower.

Olive and Egg Salad Sandwich

  When I buy the 18 count egg box I feel happy to have been economical.  And a week later when I keep staring at all those eggs I panic on what to do with them before they go bad. My first reaction is Meringue Cookies, but they don’t always turn out the best in wet weather and work better in dry, hot weather.   But a good egg salad sandwich, made on a Sunday, means extra salad fixings for sandwiches later in the week at work.  Here is my version…

Croque Monsieur

On a cold and rainy Sunday afternoon I looked high and low in my refrigerator for something to make for lunch that would bring joy to my heart and stomach on such a drizzly, overcast, and not-so-good day.   Couldn’t find lefovers, didn’t want to get out the pots and pans and construct something from scratch, and there lo and behold hiding behind a fat jar of dill pickle spears was a lonely package of sliced ham.  Scouting around the “cheese drawer” I found a block of cheese leftover from making Fondue the previous week.   OMG, stuff to make a Croque Monsieur – so here we go!